Yearbooks for Sale!

Riparian 2021 Notice to all Students and Parents

Just a reminder to everyone that YEARBOOKS MAKE GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS!

The cost of a prepaid yearbook will be $40.00 and an extra $5.00 for personalization.

You can also order online at, enter ID code 13950121.


Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________
Number of Books: ________________
Amount Enclosed: ________________
Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________________________
Personalization _________________________________________________________________

Please make checks payable to 
Copenhagen Central School

Send to: 
Ginny Hovendon
Copenhagen Central School
P.O. Box 30, Mechanic Street
Copenhagen, NY 13626

Or return to your child's homeroom teacher by January 22, 2021.
Homeroom Teacher: _____________________________________