Pee Wee Wrestling Club Meeting Pre K - Grade 8

Do you think your son or daughter would enjoy wrestling, but don’t know much about the sport?  Has your son or daughter asked to wrestle but you need more information?  Do you just want more information on the program we offer at school?  Did your child wrestle last year and they want to do it again?  We would love for you to come to join us on December 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. for a parent/wrestler informational meeting in the library at school.  This meeting will be used as a “get to know you” forum from our coaching staff, and also information will be shared about our Pee Wee Wrestling Club.  We will also be discussing some new additions to the club and information about upcoming events.

If you cannot join us for any reason but know that your child would like to wrestle, please contact Coach Dale Munn, or Matt Petrie (315-486-2001) so that we can get you the necessary information to you to return back in a timely manner. 

We are looking forward to having a great season, and seeing you at the meeting!!